Gathering Together is Primal & Familiar

Gathering Together is Primal and Familiar...

'What we interpret as sublime, divine, transpersonal, or esoteric experience may in large part be what happens when we disengage the discursive or symbolic mind and allow more embodied and pre-linguistic and pre-conscious aspects of the mind-body, which are generally culturally suppressed, to animate and permeate experience.'

Tom Murray, Cohering

Though 'we-space' is an apparently new discipline, many elements of it are also extremely natural. Alongside the sophistication and emergent quality of some aspects of we-space, lie more primal aspects of groups of humans gathering together.

Many of the elements we appreciate in gathering in this way echo ways of being that have been intrinsic in many eras and cultures. In a later section, we explore more explicitly the cultural context of we-space work in this moment, and what distinguishes our yielding of separation from that of 'pre-individual' tribal cultures.

[video transcript]

I wanted to say another little piece as we speak about we-space culture. Because at one level, we could say this is a new discipline; that there is all this writing about consciousness and 'we-space' as an emerging field. That is true at one level.

Experiencing Ancient Capacities

But as I experience this work and this territory, I often feel that we are experiencing quite ancient tribal capacities to be with others and to be 'part of one another' that are very native to us in certain ways.

Our Implicit and Intuitive Knowing

In a way a lot of what I am speaking of in these little videos is implicit in the work we have done together and work many of you have done in other spaces. There's a lot we know and understand about this that we haven't necessarily put into thought or language. So I think it's important to honour our intuitive knowledge of these things, and our organic abilities to feel one another. (I was going to say to awaken together, but that's to bring in a direction that feels a little high or pressured). So let's say our organic abilities to emerge and co-create, regulate, land and explore together.

Parts of us Already Know...

We speak sometimes like we are in some highly innovative moment, and it's not that we aren't in innovative moments, but there is something valuable for each of us in finding in ourselves the parts of us that already know how to do this, how to explore and relate like this, prior to any theory at all.

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